
Step 80

On the top most of layer groups, add Vibrance layer adjustment (just go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Vibrance). Click OK, then increase the value until we get more vibrance blue/teal color for the entire image ( in my experiment, the value for vibrance is +49 while saturation value is +17 ).


Step 81

Add another layer adjustment, which is Color Balance (found in Layer > New Layer Adjustment > Color Balance). Adjust Color balance value until the illustration become a bit greenish (in my experiment, the value for midtones color balance is: -8, +15, +1)


Step 82

Hide background layer and all other layer group except the top, inside, left, bottom and two adjustment layer on top (see below image to be certain). Select the top most layer (color balance layer) and then press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E to merge all visible image into a new layer.


Step 83

Unhide layers we’ve been hide in the previous step, then drag layer 11 ( the merged layer ) below layer group ‘bottom’. Load a selection by Ctrl+Clicking this layer thumbnail, and then save the selection via Select > Save selection menu. You can give any name for the selection (in this example, I name it alpha-1), click OK to save it.


Step 84

Still in the same layer, go to Edit > Transform > Distort and try to align the merged layer so it look like a reflection. Use the Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All, which is will add layer mask filled with black, completely hiding layer 11 content’s.


Step 85

Now grab the soft round Brush tool with low opacity ( 25% ), make sure you choose white for brush color. Slowly using brush tool in the below part to create reflections. See image below for guidance.


Step 86

Make sure we’re still in the layer mask, then go to Select > Load Selection menu. Inside the load selection dialog, choose alpha-1 channel and then click OK to load the selection. Fill this selection with 100% black.Don’t deselect, yet!.


Step 87

Add a new layer on top of current layer, name it ‘shadows’ since here we gonna add shadows for the ocean-pie piece. Fill the selection with 100% black, then deselect it by pressing Ctrl+D.

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14 responses to ““Piece of the Arctic” Pie Chart Photo Manipulation”

  1. jiju Avatar

    awesome work…congrats

  2. Salvador Robles Avatar
    Salvador Robles

    Learning so much with this tutorial. Thanks…

  3. Gavin T. Heggestad Avatar
    Gavin T. Heggestad

    thanks, loved him!

  4. sheneille Avatar


    i couldnt find 3d tool in photoshop cs6.. please help

  5. Hadi Avatar

    Great Work… Thank you Dear For sharing us this tutorial. :)

  6. Danny Pacheco Avatar
    Danny Pacheco

    It’s spelled arctic with a C. Get it right people.

  7. albert Avatar

    nice work ty C:

  8. ululf01 Avatar

    A really big thanks for the tips

  9. MrBloop Avatar

    Was a nice tut until step10…

  10. Firesky Avatar


  11. Surender Avatar

    A lot to learn.. great work dude..

  12. Bassam Avatar


  13. Ricks Avatar

    Thank you so much for this, it was really helpful.

  14. Mohamed Nasrullah Avatar
    Mohamed Nasrullah

    Wow Amazing….

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