
Step 25

Transform the sand texture using Edit > Transform > Distort command, making the perspective view like shown below. Don’t forget to press Enter when you’re done transforming.


Step 26

Next, make this layer as a clipping mask layer by pressing Alt+Ctrl+G then change the blend mode to Linear Light. This step also finish the ‘adding texture-part’ of this tutorial.


Step 27

Create a new clipping mask layer between sand texture and ‘bottom’ layer, change the blend mode to Overlay then draw shadows using soft round Brush with low opacity. When using Brush tool, remember the light source we mention at the beginning as your reference where to put shadows.


Step 28

Repeat creating shadows for each shape layers. But don’t change the blending mode, leave it normal instead. See image below if you need guidance.


Step 29

Get back to sand texture layer, we need to sharpen it a bit by using Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask menu. Inside the Unsharp Mask dialog, adjust Amount and Radius value as seen below. Click OK to apply the filter.


Step 30

I think we need to sharpen the top most wave layer to make it more convincing as real sea wave. Select the wave layer and repeat the Unsharp Mask filter, by simply pressing Ctrl+F. We need to tweak the wave color balance since I think more darker blue is better. To do that, we’re using Hue/Saturation ( press Ctrl+U ) and Levels ( press Ctrl+L ) command.


Step 31

Select layer shape ‘bottom’, add a layer mask in this layer. Then using soft round Brush tool with low opacity, mask the shape’s edge ( the upper-right parts ). As you can see, the result does imitate ‘depth of field’ when you look something underwater.


Step 32

To keep organize, put related layers inside a group/folder. This will bring out four different group which is named ‘top’, ‘inside’, ‘left’ and ‘bottom’. If you using Photoshop CS3 or the later version, you can do this step easily by Ctrl+Clicking related layers then press Ctrl+G.


Step 33

Open the cruise image. Grab Pen tool from tool bar, then start creating selection path to isolate the cruise.

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14 responses to ““Piece of the Arctic” Pie Chart Photo Manipulation”

  1. jiju Avatar

    awesome work…congrats

  2. Salvador Robles Avatar
    Salvador Robles

    Learning so much with this tutorial. Thanks…

  3. Gavin T. Heggestad Avatar
    Gavin T. Heggestad

    thanks, loved him!

  4. sheneille Avatar


    i couldnt find 3d tool in photoshop cs6.. please help

  5. Hadi Avatar

    Great Work… Thank you Dear For sharing us this tutorial. :)

  6. Danny Pacheco Avatar
    Danny Pacheco

    It’s spelled arctic with a C. Get it right people.

  7. albert Avatar

    nice work ty C:

  8. ululf01 Avatar

    A really big thanks for the tips

  9. MrBloop Avatar

    Was a nice tut until step10…

  10. Firesky Avatar


  11. Surender Avatar

    A lot to learn.. great work dude..

  12. Bassam Avatar


  13. Ricks Avatar

    Thank you so much for this, it was really helpful.

  14. Mohamed Nasrullah Avatar
    Mohamed Nasrullah

    Wow Amazing….

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