And we’re done with the Field. If you have a Background layer like me, delete it by clicking on it and dragging it to the recycle bin (check the image below for reference).

Now your canvas should be transparent instead of white, just like this:

Step 3: Adding the sky
Let’s add some sky to our project. Go to File -> Place again and select the big blue planet (“cosmos1_0009”).

Every time you place an image into your project, you automatically have the control of the Free Transform Tool. This is a really common tool, and basically it lets you move, rotate and scale your image. Here’s how it works:
- To move the image, just click anywhere inside the rectangle and drag it someplace else
- To rotate the image, click anywhere outside the rectangle and drag it around the image
- To resize the image, click in one of the corners of the rectangle and drag it. To maintain the proportion while doing this, just hold the Shift key during this process.
Ok, so we’ll start with a rotation. Rotate the image following the instructions above, and remember to hold Shift while doing it, so the rotations will be multiples of 15º.

Rotate the planet 90º to the right, like this:

Now we have to put this layer behind the field layer. To do that, just click and drag this layer below the other one.

Now we’re going to increase the size of this image so it can fill our whole canvas. Hold Shift, click on the top right corner of the image and drag it on the direction of the arrow:

After scaling the image, drag it down by clicking anywhere inside the rectangle and dragging everything down. Check the image below for reference.

So here’s the result of this step:

And this is how your layers panel should be looking like:

Step 4:Adding the first planet
In this step we’re going to add the big planet into our project. Because we are working with smart objects, we can easily do this by creating a copy of our cosmos layer. Drag the cosmos layer into the button highlighted in the image below to create a copy of it.

Now hit Ctrl/Cmd+T to bring up the Free Transform Tool (or go to Edit->Free Transform). To reveal the planet, all we have to do is drag this layer up, like this:

Let’s select the only part of the layer we want to work with (the planet itself) and delete the rest of it. To do that, select the Elliptical Marquee Tool (Shortcut: M).

Now we have to make a perfect round selection of the planet. Take a look at the instructions in the image below and try to make the selection as accurate as possible.
16 responses to “Create a Mysterious Scene with Planets”
wow this is so emotionally amazing
How can I get the video tutorail
Very great job…………..keep it up :)
Hey great tutorial it help me a lot make this http://beauduval.deviantart.com/art/Clocks-425499015 thank you
There’s no lighting effects for 64 bit systems :(
great stuff, thank you for sharing.
It says I have to buy the field image from the website. Is there anyway I could get it without a purchase?
When you are making custom brush, before you press define brush preset, do this – ( your shape will be automatically changed to grayscale mode when you’ll define it as brush preset) so go to black and white and adjust object cause you won’t have that opportunity after brush is created.
Hi, nice tutorial, but… I have one question.
How do you make the brush like you use in this tutorial?
it is almost without shape, some kind of transparency. Perfect to work with, especially this type of pictures.-
U open picture then go to Edit -> Define Brush
If its grayed out then image size it to 2500px max width & height -
Play with the opacity and brush shape. Make sure the hardness is at 0%. He is using a tablet I think, so unless you have a tablet also you will not be able to get the brushstrokes that perfect (at least, I couldn’t).
Very clear tutorial with some great techniques to learn from. Thank you.
good work
Either the trees are too big or the humans are too small. Layers are messy too.
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