Copy and paste the ship into our project and rename this layer to Ship. Place it above the Light Beams group.

Flip it horizontally by going to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal. Then resize it using the Free Transform Tool (remember to hold Shift) and place it on the left side of our image.

While in the Free Transform Mode, set the Rotate value to -3,5º (the Rotate tool is located at the top toolbar).

Create a new layer mask to the Ship layer.

Grab a soft brush, select the layer mask of the ship and start painting with black to hide the lower part of the ship.

The result:

Let’s create some reflections in the water, duplicate the ship layer by selecting it and pressing Ctrl/Cmd+J.

With the duplicated layer selected, go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical.

Use the Move Tool (Shortcut: V) to move this layer below the ship.

Rename this layer to Shadow and place it below the ship layer.

Now select the Shadow layer and go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Set the angle to 0 and the distance to 12px.

Here is the result:

Select the layer mask of the Shadow layer and paint it with black to hide some areas. After you’re done, set the opacity of this layer to around 85%.
- In the image below, paint more times in the areas where the red is stronger

Here is the result:

With the Ship layer selected, create a new layer pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N and input the following values.
![clip_image073[1] clip_image073[1]](https://cdn.photoshoptutorials.ws/images/stories/57a99763c51b_12E3C/clip_image0731.png?strip=all&lossy=1&webp=82&avif=82&w=1920&ssl=1)
Now select the Dodge Tool (Shortcut: O) again, set the Exposure to 50% and paint the ship to make it look like the sun is on the right side of the ship.
Here is my Lighting layer at Normal mode for reference.

And here is the result of this effect:

To finish this step, select these three layers we created and add them to a new group called Ship.

Step 11: Adding some bubbles
Download the bubbles brushes and load them into photoshop just like we did with the light beam brushes. After that, create a new layer below the lighting layer and name it Bubbles.

Then select one of the bubble brushes and start adding some bubbles into the ocean.


To make the bubbles look more natural we’re going to add a Layer style to it. Double click the bubbles layer to open the style panel and check the images below for the input values.
10 responses to “How to Create a Surreal Scene with an Invisible Man Inside a Mystic Cave”
Some of these tutorials are extremely good, magazine like. Thanks for sharing!
Excellent tutorial. Easy to follow and very, very informative. Thanks for the knowledge.
I did thank you. It took a while but after a while I got the hang of it.
excellent work
buen trabajo amigo
good work
Cool tutorial…got to learn a lot of things… Thanks a lot… :)
thanks, glad you like it =D
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